Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No more writing on the couch!

This month, we splurged. I had the guys that normally cleans our carpets come out and clean our nasty upholstery on the sofa and ottoman. Never mind the fact that I started to potty train Ava on the very day that I had the sofa cleaned. No points for mommy there... duh.
Goodbye pen marks, Goodbye sippy cup spillage, Goodbye lollipop goo from Easter. Goodbye snot from some kid's cold last fall.

HELLO.... Blankets on the couch!

Seriously, these kids are lucky I even let them near the couch! They are filthy, dirty creatures - my children are- and they will not ruin my sofa again!

Please be sure to check out my related post on Buying distressed furniture.

Monday, April 27, 2009

They grow up so fast...

Ava started to potty train last week. The first day was rough. We had our fair share of accidents. But by dinner time, she was in her groove and had it all figured out. By day 2 she had pulled her potty into the family room and took up residency for more than a few long stretches of time. By the end of day 2, she had pooped on the potty - that sealed the deal.
We've had very few accidents since then. We even made a road trip to a mall over an hour away and she stayed dry. While there, we visited the ladies room at Macy's 3 times in less than 2 hours. Which only proves she's mastered the concept... I know some adults who fear public restrooms.

Over the weekend, Grandmom (Bobby's mom) came to stay with us. She slept over for 2 nights.While she was here, she taught Ava something new:

Makeup. Thanks, Grandmom. (aka Nam mom)
And Ava will tell you "Titty" (translation: PRETTY and not in any way related to the picture below -- I don't think.)

On Sunday Ava came downstairs looking like this:

We weren't quite sure what to think when we saw her. Who knew Potty training would make her mature so quickly. Next, she'll be asking me for the keys to the min-van. Gulp.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The best piece of advice I can give to anyone who is ever considering having children:


You'll be glad you did!

...and while we're on the subject, don't ever consider white carpet as an option either.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009