Thursday, January 18, 2007

Somebody help me, please!

This week has been rough. I really think I am spiraling into depression. I am so lonely, and so bored. Every day is the same as the day before. Here is what this week has been like:
7am-8am - Robert wakes up, about a half hour later we head downstairs and have breakfast. Usually Sesame Street is on.
9am-11:30am - Robert plays.... sometimes I play with him. Lately, I can't get off the sofa so I surf on the internet or try to watch some grown up TV - if he lets me. Some days I try to do some light housework. When it was warmer out, we'd get out. We don't do that anymore.
12ish - Lunchtime, Robert has been eating the same thing everyday for the past few weeks. Half of a pb&j, fruit and milk. It's all he seems to like these days.
The mail is delivered sometime around lunchtime. This is when I venture out of the house, down the driveway to the mailbox. I look forward to this outing. (how sad is that?)
12:30-1ish - Robert naps. Most days Mommy naps too. If not, I can be found in my bed anyway, curled up with my pregnancy pillow watching the Game Show Network or Cosby show and Family Ties reruns.
3:30 - Robert wakes up. We head downstairs again. He plays or does some sort of art work... he likes to paint, color and scribble. His Thomas the Tank Engine Dvd is on repeat in his playroom most afternoons. He has a snack, and I retreat to my couch again. I try to catch Oprah or the 4 o'clock news.
5:00 - I start dinner. I also start watching the clock closely (actually, this starts somewhere in the 4 o'clock hour) because Bobby will be home from work soon! THANK GOD!
6pm - We hear the garage door open. Robert runs to the door screaming DADA and I am thanking god that there is about to be another adult in the house. Over dinner, I fill Bobby in on the monotony of my day. I tell him how I feel like a bad mom... like I ignored Robert most of the day... that I am tired (despite not doing anything all day!) and I can't wait to go to sleep.
7pm - we relax together until it's time for Robert's bedtime routine.
By 9pm I am in bed (again) in an attempt to get comfortable. There are only 2 positions for me to sleep - on my left side and on my right side. After about an hour on either side, my hips start to hurt and I need to readjust myself. Usually I have to get up to pee by this time anyway. By the time morning comes, I have slept about 5 good hours.

I need a hobby! But at the same time, NOW is not the time for me to be venturing into a hobby.
I don't go out... I can't fit behind the wheel of the car comfortably, not to mention getting Robert in and out of the car - it's a huge ordeal.
If I do go out (usually by myself on the weekends) I get strange looks from people... as if I am too big to be in public. (I can't say that I blame them) Those brave enough actually ask "So, when are you due?" Then I have to explain that its twins and my real due date is March 21st, but I'll go early.... blah blah. Too much conversation for a stranger if you ask me.
I'm not comfy sitting, standing or laying down. I am not supposed to be lifting Robert, but I have to.
My belly is numb... straight across my belly button line. I'm still not sure why, but it's both numb AND it hurts. Try to figure that one out.

I am ready to go. But I still have 6 weeks left. OMG, somebody help me, PLEASE!

Next week I start having weekly appts with the OB and non-stress tests at the hospital 2x/week. At least I'll have something to do!


Unknown said...

ILU baby!! Hang in there and I guarantee you will be laughing your ass of at this post when the twins + robert are all home (outside your belly)!!!

BLAND said...

Michelle, I'm sorry you are having a hard time right now. Don't lose hope!

As for a hobby that isn't too hard, how about knitting? Although I'm sure you already know how to. That Stitch 'n Bitch book has some funky designs/patterns. Knitting is a great way to keep your mind busy while off your feet. Also, if you enjoy blogging, how about some journaling? Or making some fun scrapbooks of family photos?

Casey said...

Hang in there Mich, only a few more weeks. Try to do things that are easy for you but still quality time for Robert so he feels the extra attention. And get Bobby to jump in from the moment he gets home so you can do what you need to in order to feel sane!!!!! Thinking about ya :)