Friday, February 23, 2007

A night in Labor and Delivery...

At my growth scan yesterday afternoon, everything looked great. Baby A is weighing about 5lbs 6 oz and BabyB is about 6lbs6oz. The ultrasound tech said they can put on about another pound between now and next week. (Keep in mind, these weights are not accurate, but approximate) The tech was also surprised that I was still able to drive myself around (barely) and that I had even made it this far at all! I then went to have my routine NST (non-stress test) and it wasn't long before the monitors showed I was contracting regularly about every minute. The nurse asked if I was feeling them and when I told her yes, she called my doctor immediately. I was escorted to Labor and Delivery and monitored in triage for hours. My cervix was still 'high and thick' but the contractions were happening regulary and they were strong. I was given Procardia to try to stop them and then checked again about an hour and ahalf later. The Procardia didn't work... I was still contracting - I had 21 contrax in 1 hour! But they weren't doing anything to change my cervix. In real labor, my cervix would change.
The doctor wanted to keep me overnight for observations, I was moved to the perinatal center and monitored through the night. The contractions lessened, but were still happening.
By 8am the doctor checked me again and there was really no significant change. He took me off the monitors and encouraged me to eat and do some walking. Now that I am off the monitors I feel great. My belly is contracting but its not painful,
And thats where we are now... I'll be checked again in the afternoon. And I am thinking I'll be sent home with some Procardia.

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