Sunday, February 10, 2008

Allergist update

Just realized I forgot to update on last week's allergist appt...

I wasn't sure what to expect - I wasn't sure if they'd run tests right then and there or what. They gave me a questionairre loaded with tons of stuff from what kind of mattress does he sleep on to what kind of detergents we use. Then they took us back and asked a ton more questions. I think they were thrown off since he was stuffy and had a runny nose from his cold. They voiced some concern that he has had 3 ear infections and some respiratory issues, but I needed to keep reminding them that we were there because we suspected a milk allergy. But I guess it is standard procedure for them to explore everything...

Anyway, long story short, we had to schedule another visit to do two 'panels' of allery tests - one indoor/outdoor and one common foods. That will be on the 18th.
In the mean time, the doctor gave me a prescription for a lotion called Mimyx to use on his excema. The pedi had given me some samples of the same stuff a few weeks ago, but he never explained that it works with water and his face should be damp when I apply it. His face started to look better after just a few applications.
They also gave me a pamplet on Atopic Dermatitis (Excema) and a guide on how to include calcium in his diet without milk and a paper on common words for 'milk' that can be found on ingredient labels.
He told me to avoid dairy and supplement soy formula a few times a day so he is still getting fatty acids that he doesn't get from the soy milk. He should avoid eggs, fish and nuts until he is 5 years old. And we now have an epi-pen on hand - just in case.

As far as his diet goes, it's going to be trial and error since I am finding that some dairy is tolerable for him and some (most) is not. argh.

What I am bummed about most: He may not be able to have any of his first birthday cake! Hopefully we'll have the answers before then.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

i wanted to let you know that all is not lost for the birthday cake!! please take a look at they have tons of safe food recipes or even just google "milk/egg/peanut free birthday cake recipe." my son has food allergies and avoids eggs and peanuts/nuts and we have made delicious cake! Peanuts are easy to avoid just as long as you read labels on everything and avoid bakery items. milk can easily be substituted for soy and my son really loves his "silk very vanilla" milk (we don't eat a lot of cow's milk b/c of the mucous factor)! the eggs can be substituted with 3 tablespoons water, 2 teaspoons baking powder, and 3 tablespoons oil (we use canola) and this equals 2 eggs. just cut it in half for one egg.

p.s. i actually know your husband's friend, colleen (she went to PSU)and i hope you don't think this is weird but i periodically check out your blog =) you have really cute kids! anyways, i couldn't resist commenting about this b/c it hits home for me. i have a blog that you are free to look at but you'd have to let me know...i have it made private but i can send you an invite! you can email me at