Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scary day for the Trifs

The kids were supposed to have their portraits done at noon today. I planned out their morning so they would nap and eat lunch before we left and we'd have a pleasant photo session.
A&A woke from their naps at 11 and I sat them down for lunch. Alex was a bit grumpy, as he sometimes is upon waking up. He wasn't eating much, so I took him out of his chair and noticed he was warm. I took his temp and it was 103.7. I called the pedi immediately but they were closed. I figured it was just another ear infection and I gave him some tylenol. I debated on whether or not to do the portraits (I had already canceled and resceduled this appt 3 times) so I decided to go. (I know, I am such a bad mom) I packed the kids in the car and ran back inside to get my purse and diaperbag. When I got back to the car, I noticed that Alex was in a daze - starring, almost like he was going to fall asleep. I got in the car and called my mom as I pulled out of the driveway. I told her about Alex and she told me to get him in a cold bath. Alex was in the carseat right behind my driver's seat, so I couldn't see him, but I could hear him and he sounded like he was hiccuping. I swung my head around and saw his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he convulsed. I screamed in panic (my mom said she could hear the fear in my voice) and I pulled over and called 911. I grabbed him out of his carseat and held him across my chest. He seized for about 4 minutes in my arms before the ambulance arrived. (They had trouble finding me - how's that for emergency service?) The operator stayed on the line with me until they arrived and tried to calm me down. When he stopped seizing, I freaked out even more because his whoe body went limp and he was gasping for air. I thought I was losing him.
The paramedics took him from me and the police arrived. They assured me he'd be okay and told me to follow them to the hospital. They told me that they would not use their lights or sirens unless they needed to get through a red light. I followed and after about 3 miles, they put on their sirens and lights and sped ahead. Within 10 seconds, they were out of sight. I freaked out like you wouldn't believe!!! I didn't get to the ER until about 15 minutes later. (they told me they sped up because he was screaming and crying)
A social worker greeted me and took Robert and Ava so I could be with Alex. A team of doctors and nurses were taking care of him - drawing blood, and monitoring him (his heart rate was really high) His temp was still pretty high, so they gave him more tylenol (apparently I didn't give him enough). He was miserable and he looked very dazed. The doctor assured me that was normal. I was worried he couldn't see, because his eyes looked lost. I layed on the guernie with him and sang to him until he fell asleep. Once he was stable, they took him for a chest x-ray to check for pnemonia. His heart rate began to return to normal and he was able to drink some pedialyte. My mom and dad and Bobby's mom arrived and Bobby came in a bit later.
We were discharged later in the afternoon and sent home with a script for an antibiotic (it was an ear infection after all) Alex sufferered from a Febrile Seizure -very commone in children when they experience a sudden change in body temperature. It is not life threatening, but I can attest that it is very scary. There is not any kind of brain damage associated with this type of seizure.
His fever has been wacky since we've been home. Even with Tylenol, it's been up to 102.6 and down to 100.5. So we have started alternating Tylenol and Motrin in hopes that his body temperature will stabilize. I have had to give him a cold bath once, and he has been sleeping a whole lot too. His little body must be exhausted from all the commotion. Needless to say, we will keep a close eye on him all night.
Ava seems to be well aware that something is just not right with her brother. She seems lost and sad.

Today was the scariest day of my life. I just thank God that it wasn't worse that it was, and that we are all home together again.

Go and kiss your babies. Thank God for them daily.


Unknown said...

sounds like a pretty scary day. glad everything seems ok, and hope he stays that way.

Casey said...

OMG!!!!! You are so brave and strong, I am crying just reading about it!! :( Thank GOD it was only a high temp related seizure! You'll be themometer happy now I bet :) Kiss little Alex for me and HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY to Robert!!!