Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where have all the Binkies gone???

We used to have 7 binkies. Two green, two blue and two pink and one yellow. A few months ago, Alex chewed up a green one and we had to toss it. So that makes six - 6 binkies. (sing it with me "If one of those binkies should happen to fall...what would we do with no binkies AT ALL?") I digress.

Right now, we are down to 3. The missing binkies are the 2 pink ones and one yellow one. I have torn this house apart -Checked inside every shoe, every drawer, and even inside the vents (the kids recently figured out they can pull up the grates and throw stuff down there) OH and of course I checked the subwoofer - are you kidding? That was the first place I looked!

I can not find the binkies anywhere and I am going out of my mind. Ultimately, I am going to have to accept the fact that Alex probably threw them in the garbage and they are gone forever.

Meanwhile, we are not replacing said binkies. I suppose it was about time they started to disappear anyway.

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