Friday, August 08, 2008


Tonight Ava said "Pizza." It reminded me of a story my sister loves to tell:

I was about 10 years old and we were at our beach house. My sister went out to pick up pizza for dinner. I sat outside on the curb and waited. Upon her return, I stood up and shouted "PIZZA! PIZZA! THE PIZZA IS HERE!"

I was 10 and chubby. What else was there in life, but pizza? (and twinkies)

I never thought the story was particularly funny, but she loves to tell it. And now that I probably weigh less than I did then, I guess I can spare an extra chuckle.

Ava also says "MOO" when you ask her what a cow says.... I am sure my brothers could think of a good "hefer" story from my past to go with that.


juliehallboston said...

it is a funny story!! All of my college friends love that story! I will see Krista in vegas tomorrow night and will tell her again and she will laugh laugh laugh...adn then I will tell her how skinny you are too. :)
Its funny! PIZZA!! YUM YUM!!
Glad you don;t have BC.

Unknown said...

Hey Ava, I like pizza too! Or at least I imagine I will when I can eat solid foods. Would you like to come over some time for some pizza and Star Wars Trivial Pursuit? I have some cool keys too!