Monday, September 08, 2008

Where's that Lion Pride???

We are so proud of 'our' Nittany Lions here at the Trif house. The season has started off looking good so far and JoePa is still going.

During the excitement of this weekend's game, we chanted "We Are..."

Robert replied: "No, We Aren't!"

Take Two:

Me: "WE ARE..."
Robert: "No! We Didn't"

Guess this kid has a lot to learn in the next 15 years.

Ava said "TouchDown" and "Football" during the game. She'll be the one that only takes 4 years to graduate.

Alex didn't have to do much but look cute. He's gonna be a Penn State line backer some day!


colleen said...

Robert needs to go to a game!
Also, great comment about Ava graduating in 4 years. I don't think I know anyone who has! Someone once told me finishing college in 4 years is like leaving the bar at 10pm.
Glad to see the Trif's are showing their Penn State Pride!!!

Casey said...

Haha - we had the same exact experience during the Oregon State game. I said "We Are..." and Cooper said "NOOOOOO Mommy" So the more we went on I said Let's go Penn State and he'd say "WE ARE NITTANY LIONS" Close enough :) Our little fan base!!!!! I love it!