Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eye Candy

Alex is talking up a storm... this week he started with colors - Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Purple. We are working on recognition since he thinks everything is 'Bwoo." He has also added "Thank you", "please", "excuse me", "Touchdown" (with arms up), "football" and "not nice" to his vocabulary.
His fascination with the toilet has returned. He feels it is his duty to flush every time anyone uses the potty. He is very pleased with himself when he does 'his job.' Perhaps this could lead to some easier potty training?
Alex loves the bread drawer and I have (more than once) gone to make lunch and found a slice with a bite taken from it. (Must start using twistie ties)

Ava has been gracing everyone with her kisses and hugs. She is obsessed with shoes and tries on whoever's shoes are left by the door. She can put on her own shoes as well. She puts her dishes in the sink when she is finished eating (and boy does she love to eat!) Ava also loves to draw and color. She is not as vocal as her brother, but she uses sign language more than he does.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Did you know....

You know the footsie sleepers that most kids wear to bed until they are about 3? The ones that zip from the foot all the way to the neck?

Well did you know that on boy's sleepers the zipper starts on the Left foot and on the girls it starts on the Right foot?

Betcha didn't know that... Another amazing discovery from a mom of boy/girl twins.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Something about Ava...

You've seen "Something About Mary"

Well, today, There's just Something About Ava, too...

A Lesson in Genetics

There are some things in a marriage that need to be overlooked. I've learned to pick and chose my battles.

That said, two things in particular frustrate me: when Bobby 'forgets' to put a trash bag in the kitchen trash can (which is every time he takes the trash out) and when he leaves an empty toilet paper roll hanging in the bathroom (which is often, and usually I am the one who gets 'stuck on the potty.)

This weekend, however, I discovered that these 'trademarks' are actually no fault of his own and I can no longer blame him for his ignorance. Read on...

Bobby's mother came on Saturday to watch the kids while we went to a friend's wedding. We were gone for most of the day and returned late at night.
Early Sunday morning, I went to throw something away. There was no bag in the trashcan. The bag of garbage that Bobby's mom had taken out was double bagged in the garage, so maybe that second bag was supposed to go in the can?
Later that day, I was summoned to the bathroom upstairs by Robert to help him (aka 'wipe his hiney'), and Alas, there hung the toilet paper roll - as empty as can be.

My apologies, dear husband. We all know I come down on you pretty hard too many times. But this time, we can place the blame on your own genetics. I can only hope this defect did not get inherited by our own children. And remind me to ask at Thanksgiving which side of the family Mom got this trait from. Something tells me it wasn't Grandmom.

(disclaimer: Mom, if you are reading this, it is really meant to be funny. Please don't be offended and know that we appreciate everything you do for us and for our kids. This was nothing but an observation turned good blog topic.)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Laundry rant

The following is a long overdue rant on laundry. If you are the type who really enjoys washing, drying and folding laundry (only to watch it pile up again before your eyes) you may not want to read any further.

Rant #1 My husband has a habit of taking off the clothes he wears and draping them over the hamper. I call this Laundry Purgatory. What is the deal? Is it clean or is it dirty? You left the belt on your pants, do you plan on wearing them again? Or are you just too lazy to put your clothes all the way into the hamper? Please let me know. I don't like smelling the armpits of your shirts and inspecting your pants for dirty spots.

Rant #2 WHY do you insist on taking off your clothes inside out? New rule: if it goes into the laundry pile inside out, you will get it back inside out. The same goes for the kids' clothing. I am always careful to make sure their clothes are right side out. (Hubby is not so good at this) I have spent too many hours turning clothes right side out again. That ship has sailed.

Rant #3 Is it just me or am I doing laundry more often as the kids get older? My kids (usually) only wear one outfit each day- unlike the infancy days when they'd dirty multiple outfits/bibs throughout a single day. My guess is that their clothes are getting bigger and so I am able to 'fill the washer' easier than before. Lord knows I am not washing bibs and blankets the way I used to, and that brings me to my next rant...

Rant #4 Socks and Onesies. Yes, they are back. You may remember my post from earlier this year about the evil socks and onesies. Well, we had a break over the summer. The kids hardly wore onesies OR socks throughout the summer, but now that fall is here, I have started to hate 'doing whites' again. Matching socks and folding onesies is tedious work, and I have already had to send Bobby to the laundry basket in search of clean undershirts - more than once.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

When Ava and Alex nap, I put their 'sleeptime music' on repeat. When they wake up, I tend to turn it off with my big toe since I usually have a child clinging to my hip. (The radio is close to the floor).
Yesterday, I told Alex to "turn off the music." He swung his foot up and turned it off with his chubby little Barney Rubble toes - just like Mommy!