Been so busy lately! Robert is really enjoying school. It seems like once I get him there and then go home, it's time to pick him up already! He really enjoys playing with our neighbor Nina who is just 10 days older that he is. We have been having playdates about 3 times/week. Swim lessons started this week. Robert was not scared at all, and in fact I think he was a bit bored. He is still too young for the next class, so we'll see how the next six weeks go.
Alex and Ava are getting so big! Ava is crawling everywhere! Alex isn't moving much yet - which is just fine with me! Alex is over 17 lbs already. We should probably start looking for a new stroller, since it seems they will be outgrowing their car seats soon and then it's "goodbye snap n go." (sniff sniff) We visit the pediatrician next week for their 6 month check ups. I'll update their stats then.