Friday, December 14, 2007

Still sick

We have been back to the prediatrician twice since Thanksgiving. Alex had still not kicked his previous illness, and 2 visits later he had another ear infection. Ava has just started showing symptoms, but Bobby has me convinced that it's just a cold, and not to worry. Robert started with a runny nose and caugh last night. I'm afriad it's going to be a long winter.

Somewhere in between the kids being sick and Bobby being away we managed to get the kids portraits done for our Christmas cards. Once again, I spent an obscene amount of money at the portrait studio. How do I manage to do that? So much for 'getting the 9.95 package and running!'

Alex and Ava turned 9 months old two weeks ago. Alex has started to pull himself up (and more importantly learned to get back down) in the past few weeks. Ava has just started to let go of whatever it is she's gripping for support when standing. Won't be long until she's walking, for sure. They are both eating a healthy diet of table food - pretty much eating anything that you put in front of them.

Robert is talking up a storm. He is enjoying school very much. He's become obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and just 'choo choo trains' in general. We're still working on the 'be nice to your sister and brother' thing. Overall, he is a very sweet little boy and a great big brother.

That's all for today... I have yet to send out my cards, decorate the (ginormous) tree or wrap a single gift -but at least the shopping is complete. The next 2 weeks will be very busy. Bobby will be away and I will be playing single mom again - fun! The good news is, Christmas is at our house this year so we don't have to worry about packing up and going anywhere!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Holiday Treat

The Trif kids have prepared a special Holiday treat for their loved ones. Check it out:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful for good eaters...

We've finally returned from a long weekend at Gram and Pape's house in Horsham. A&A celebrated their first Thanksgiving and boy did they chow down! I'm happy to report that they are great eaters! I mashed up almost everything we ate for our meal and fed it to A&A. Ava will pretty much eat anything - she proved that when we gave her a piece of Asiago cheese on Saturday! She loved it! And then there is Robert, who feasted on Cheez-its this Thanksgiving. He and Oliver were so happy to be together, they pretty much forgot to eat! The entire visit went quickly, but it was so nice to have the family together.
The kids had finally recovered from their illnesses, and now we are all getting sick again (Me and Bobby included!) Blah! I hope that this time it's just a cold.

Enjoy the updated slide show...The pictures are from September and October. I'll update with November pics too - as soon as I upload them!

The next few weeks will be busy, no doubt, but we'll keep you up to date as best as we can!

Hi Aunt Joan! :) We love you!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sick kids...

Alex and Ava have been fighting (what I thought was) a cold since late Monday night. I decided to take them to the pediatrician today, just as a precaution since we were planning to leave tomorrow morning for Pittsburgh to visit Rob and Germaine. At first I felt silly - they have runny noses and a cough. Alex has been grabbing at his ears, and that prompted me to call Dr. Novak.
I'm so glad I did! They both are 'croupy' and have RSV. Thankfully, its not to the point that they need to be hospitalized, but Alex's breathing is very labored and Dr. Novak said he has a feeling that Ava ia headed down that same path. Both of Alex's ears are infected, and he's been put on a steroid for his breathing. Oh, and they both have pink eye.
Dr. Novak says this is a 7-10 day virus. I hope we kick it quick - I'd like to make the trip to Pittsburgh next weekend if it works for Rob and G. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A very literal 'pain in the butt'

This post is going to be all about me. I know you'd rather be reading about the kids and seeing their most recent pictures, but I just need to update everyone on my condition:

A fall down the stairs about 2 months ago has left me, well, pretty much a mess. I was seeing a new chiropractor for about a month, with very little relief. I finally decided to go back to my old chiropractor - from before we moved to Nazareth. He knows my back, and I have always responded well to his technique. After 3 visits, and just a tiny bit of relief, he sent me for an MRI with suspicion of a disc injury.
Fast forward to this week: the MRI results are in and my chiro, Dr. Ryan, wanted to see me right away. He said "it doesn't look good." I have a disc protrosion sandwiched between 2 herniated discs in my lower back. The lower herniation is so severe that it is 'hanging' into my spinal canal and pressing on a nerve, hence the pain. After a complete explanation and visual demonstration, Dr. Ryan warned me that I may need surgery. He said he'd do everything possible to help me avoid that, but I should know that its a definite possibility.
Today was my second day on the Traction Table... a device that 'pulls' and elongates the spine to help the discs shift back into place - or to at least free up some space between the herniation and the nerve. (it doesn't look like the lower herniation is going to go anywhere at this point.) I need to continue treatment on the table as often as possible for as long as it takes for me to start feeling better.
In the mean time, I've been told to handle the kids with care and be mindful of my lifting and bending - which I really shouldn't be doing at all. Unfortunatly, not doing it is not an option for me.
Dr. Ryan told me that another pregnancy will pretty much destroy my back. This information alone is enough to send me for a second opinion. But that's a bridge I'll have to cross down the road. Alot can happen between now and 'then' - whenever that may be.
Enough about me for now. I promise the next post will be all about the kids!

Monday, October 22, 2007

quick update

Finally, some down time... life as a Trif has been very hectic this fall. We've been busy with playdates, and swimming lessons, doctor's appointments, weddings, showers, christenings and birthdays.
We traveled to Boston two weeks ago for Baby Linus' christening. Robert and Oliver had a wonderful time together. They miss eachother terribly when they are apart and they're anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving so they can play again.
We'll be heading to Pittsburg in a few weeks to celebrate with Rob and Germaine for their baby shower. In the meantime, we have Halloween parades and parties to attend. We've still got some costumes to get together - and we're running out of time! We also have to get to the pumpkin patch for a photo shoot- hopefully this week.

Alex is bigger than Ava by about a pound. He is shorter than he, but rounder. He has started to get up on his knees, and can move himself backwards. He has 4 teeth, and is not much a napper. However, he continues to sleep through the night, and we have no complaints there. He is a true momma's boy.

Ava has been crawling for about a month now. She is pulling herself up wherever she can, and her crib mattress has been lowered as low as it goes. I'm betting she'll be walking by christmas. She is very nosy (hmm, wonder where she gets that from) and a true leader. It's already very apparent that she's the boss of her brothers. She has 3 teeth and loves to sleep.

Robert loves school! He goes Tuedays and Fridays from 9-12. His vocabulary is enormous these days, and he is always surprising us with new words. He is very affectionate and empathetic. He is doing great on the potty, but still needs to be reminded to go. He has been taking swimming lessons for the past 6 weeks, and he is doing fantastic. He loves his brother and sister, Alcy and Wava and they enjoy playing together - tho he needs to work on sharing - it's an age thing I guess.

Bobby has been traveling and working like crazy. This weekend is his birthday, so he'll be watching football and relaxing. My work is endless. I'm still waiting on the results of my thyroid test and I need to have my hips evaluated, as I am having awful pain that is not getting better after a month of chiropractic care. I'm positive it's related to my fall down the stairs a few months ago. It's always something.

Hopefully we won't let too much time go by before our next update... sorry for the delay!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Robert the Ring Bearer

Robert was the Ring Bearer in Kelly and Justin's wedding last night. We are so proud of him - he did a great job! He couldn't get enough of the flowergirl, Elizabeth, and we found them hugging and kissing during the cocktail hour.
He was very cooperative, and walked right up the aisle without any delay! He tried to steal the show, but Kelly looked so incredible, it was no contest!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Been so busy lately! Robert is really enjoying school. It seems like once I get him there and then go home, it's time to pick him up already! He really enjoys playing with our neighbor Nina who is just 10 days older that he is. We have been having playdates about 3 times/week. Swim lessons started this week. Robert was not scared at all, and in fact I think he was a bit bored. He is still too young for the next class, so we'll see how the next six weeks go.

Alex and Ava are getting so big! Ava is crawling everywhere! Alex isn't moving much yet - which is just fine with me! Alex is over 17 lbs already. We should probably start looking for a new stroller, since it seems they will be outgrowing their car seats soon and then it's "goodbye snap n go." (sniff sniff) We visit the pediatrician next week for their 6 month check ups. I'll update their stats then.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Little Fans

A tooth!

Who says Ava does everything first? Alex got a tooth this week! Poor little guy has been very grumpy for a few days, but this finally explains why! A second tooth is pushing through, and is almost visible, too.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The lady with the twins...

I have taken on the daunting task of creating a neighborhood directory. I made flyers and put them in every mailbox in the neighborhood. I requested names, email addresses, phone numbers and children's names and ages. My thought is that we can all get to know eachother and form a 'community' as opposed to just a 'neighborhood.' The responses keep coming in, and I am very excited about it.

Anyhow, as I was delivering these flyers, I introduced myself to the neighbors who happened to be outside. I had this exact conversation 4 times on Thursday evening:

Me: Hi.
Them: Hi.
Me: I'm Michelle. I live at xxxx road - up on the corner.
Them: Oh yeah. You're the one with the twins.
Me: Yep, that's me.
Them: You must have your hands full.

So... apparently everyone already knows who I am around here! I'm "The lady with the twins."

"Mind you, there are 3 other sets of twins in the neighborhood. Crazy, isn't it?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Supermom? Maybe just for today...

So, today I ventured out with all 3 kids. It was the first time I've taken all 3 kids out alone. (well unless you count the one time we went to the doctor). It was wonderful! We went to the mall, with a mission - to return a bra to Victoria's Secret. Anything else we could accomplish was just a bonus.
We did manage to walk through the Children's Place (the setup in that store is not very friendly for strollers - and mine is a double. We also walked through Boscov's and searched for a potty since Robert decided that he had to go, and when an almost potty trained 2 year old says he has to go, you don't ignore him!
Long story short, we scoped out the bathrooms at Boscov's and shortly after that found the toy department. Alex and Ava fell asleep in the stroller and it was blissful for just a few moments. We ventured home for lunch and naps (did I mention that ALL three kids are napping from 1-4 every day???) and then mommy had an afternoon rendezvous with the treadmill.
It was an exceptional day! Oh, but I forgot to mention the way people gawked and chatted when we came strolling by - like we were some kind of freak show. Well, I guess we kind of are, huh?
This mom thing is a piece of cake. :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Trifs in Boston...

We drove up to Boston last Thursday and stayed until Sunday. It was so nice to relax and visit with the Halls. The twins were well behaved for the ride, which was a surprise. We actually managed to get a picture of all 5 grandkids... it's not the greatest, but it's sufficient.
Robert and Oliver had a blast, as always. We can't wait to see them again!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A couple of annoucements...

My sister delivered a healthy baby BOY on Friday, July 20th. Linus Hamilton Hall was 8lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He is beautiful, and he looks just like his big brother, Oliver! The Trifs are taking a roadtrip to Boston next weekend to meet him. We can't wait!
My brother and sister in law announced this week that there will be a new Gladu in January. Germaine is 14 weeks along, and they are thrilled! We are so excited for them, as they have wanted this for so long. They will be finding out "baby new year's" gender in August. This will be Gram and Pape's 6th grand child.
I have lost 10 lbs! I am stoked! I still have a ways to go before I am back into my pre-baby wardrobe, but hopefully that will be before the twins turn one. My tendonitis in my knees seems to be healed and I'll be getting back on the treadmill this week. yay for me!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My current favorite pic...

Took this pic early in the week... it's my current favorite.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Infant Formula...

Tomorrow is trash day (and recycling as well) Before we put our trash out tonight, we took a picture of the empty formula cans that we've used in 2 weeks.

There are 21 (empty) cans in this pyramid. One can is 32 fluid ounces and each can costs $5 (on sale). We go through about 1.5-2 cans/day depending on how many times Alex is nursed. This pyramid represents $105. That means it's costing us just over $2oo to keep these kids fed each month.

The trash men must think I am running a daycare here!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Ava and Alex's 1st July 4th
Robert's 1st July 4th

Friday, June 29, 2007

17 week pictures...

Here we are... 17 weeks old! We're very animated and fun these days. Mommy just loves it!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A potty training nightmare!

We have begun the potty training process with Robert this week. Some days are better than others. He still doesn't understand that he needs to tell us when he needs to go, but we sit him on the potty many times during the day and most of the time he tinkles.

To make the process easier, I often let Robert run around without a diaper. It is a good reminder for me to get him on the potty often. Well, this morning, I left Bobby in charge while I went upstairs to do some chores. I came back downstairs about 15 minutes later and Robert greeted me by saying "poo poo mamma". There was poop painted on the family room carpet, and Robert had run his trucks through it over and over as if it were mud... really smelly mud, I guess.

Now, Bobby was sitting in the kitchen reviewing an online ad for the new Apple iPhone.. .if you know Bobby, you know he was completely tuned out to anything else around him. All the while, Robert was just 20 feet away 'silently'(so says bobby) playing in his own feces.
It is well known that when Robert is quiet, he is certainly up to no good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ava and Alex at the beach

We're in Ocean City for 2 weeks... its so nice to be away from home. The weather has been great, so far...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ava's tongue tie - all fixed

Ava before surgery...(wearing the littlest hospital gown I ever saw!)

Ava's surgery went wonderfully. We had to be at the hospital at 6:45am. She had last eaten at 12:30am, and she had an ounce of water around 5:30am. Luckily, she was pooped from the activity of the Christening on Sunday and she slept really well. She was so pleasant all morning, despite not having anything to eat. At the hospital, she cooed and smiled and hugged her daddy. She fell asleep just before the procedure, which made it so much easier to watch her get wheeled away.

Bobby and I waited in the waiting room for less than 10 minutes before the doctor came to get us to tell us it was over. I went to recovery where I had to give her some glucose water and then I was able to nurse her. We were home just after 10am. She doesn't seem to be bothered with the stitches... we gave her some tylenol anyway, but she really seems fine. She's a trooper. And I really believe that she had angels with her yesterday, because for those of you who know Ava, it's not at all like her to be calm and content for any lengthy period of time.
The top picture was taken just as Ava was being wheeled away for surgery. The other 2 were taken before surgery - we wanted to how how tight her tongue was - she was not able to stick it out any farther than what you see.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Two month doctor's visit

Today, Alex and Ava had their 2 month visit with Doctor Novak. They are now 11 weeks old. Ava is weighing a hefty 9lbs 7 oz and Alex is 8lbs 7 oz. They are still peanuts, but growing well. Doctor Novak said not to be concerned with percentiles at this point (Alex isn't even on the charts yet) as long as they are growing at a steady pace. I was surprised that they were bright eyed, alert and pleasant for most of the visit... until, of course, they got their shots... 4 of them, to be exact - 4 each! We're expecting a few sleepless nights ahead (more sleepless than usual, anyway) poor babies.
Ava will be having her tongue clipped on Monday. I am not comfortable about taking her to the hospital for the procedure, so Bobby will be taking her. We thought she may have to be put under general anestesia, but instead they will use a numbing spray. She should recover from it just fine. The ENT who is doing it assured me that it is 'not a big deal.' I am anxious to get her back to the breast.
Things are fantastic in the breastfeeding department. Alex is a champion nurser, and I am sooo glad that I stuck with it. I only hope that its not to late and Ava will get back at it without a problem. Formula costs are breaking the bank these days!

This Sunday, the twins will be christened. Family will be visiting from out of town, and we are so excited about the whole ordeal! Robert is psyched that Oliver is coming!

God Bless Alex and Ava! pictures to follow!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Friday, May 04, 2007


ah, Robert... where do I begin? He's two. enough said. Everyday, it seems, I have a new story to tell about him. For those of you who don't know the most recent anecdotes, I'll share them...

We keep our bathroom door closed and locked. Robert loves to go in and play in the sink, the toilet and most recently the soap. A few days ago, he got in and took the soap pump out and decided to 'clean' his toys in his playroom. He squirted watermelon scented soap on everything... and I mean everything! I was furious. Bobby suggested that I make him eat it. So, I did. I scooped up a whole bunch of it with my finger and put it in his mouth. He made a sour face and then preceeded to say "Mmmm." Are you kidding me? My kid likes the taste of soap! argh!

Today, he was coloring at the island in the kitchen. I guess he got bored of that and decided to add some color to his playroom. We now have purple and blue crayon EVERYWHERE in the playroom. On the rug, the windows, the shelves, the tv... everywhere. It's washable, thank goodness... so I didn't freak out too much. It just sucks that I have to spend his naptime scrubbing it up. blah.

The new phrase in the Trif house: "Robert take your hands out of your pants" He apparently is fascinated with his genitals and constantly has his hands in his diaper. Now, this isn't too big of a deal, we just do lots of handwashing. But at nighttime, he manipulates the diaper so that he wakes up soaked in the morning (which makes mom's favorite part of the day even more delightful - and I am being sarcastic here, folks.)
And lets not forget about the times he likes to show me his poop - conveniently this usually happens when I am nursing the twins. And since I can't react immediately he smears it on the sofa, on himself and on whatever else is closeby.

In the above picture, Robert is holding a tulip that he picked from my cousin's gorgeous flower garden (flowers that weren't for picking) He was filling the tulip with mulch and dumping it on the other flowers. Hmm, he's an artist AND a gardener.

This is my life. As crazy as it is... I love it and I wouldn't want it any other way. I DO have my HANDS full, but I my HEART is full, too. Life is just perfect.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

9 weeks old

We are 9 weeks old today... and as you can see, we are becoming more and more alert. Ava is growing like a weed (formula!) and Alex is still kind of tiny (breastmilk!) but growing steadily. Spring is finally here and we have been outside for a few walks already! Alex likes it outside.... and Ava - not so much. Only a few more weeks until their Christening and then vacation!
I'm anxious to get Robert on the beach. Something tells me he is going to love playing in the sand. He has been practicing by playing in the mulch whenever he gets outside! He is such a boy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bigger now! (finally)

Today the twins had a check up. They are 7 weeks old. Doctor Novak was very pleased! We have been on a 'fattening up" diet this week. And the results are in:

(drumroll please)

Ava is 7 lbs 4 oz
Alex is 6lbs 7oz

That means Ava gained 20 oz in 1 week! Is that possible??? I guess she just had alot of catching up to do! Alex gained 14 oz - almost a whole pound! We're psyched! They had to get a shot, which sucked, but we're over it now.

Ava will need to have her frenulum clipped. Doctor Novak thought that it might rip on it's own, but since she is having feeding issues, he said he'd like to see it clipped. He referred me to an ears/nose and throat specialist. So, the sooner thats done, the better - and we can resume nursing more regularly.

I have a confession to make... I have been nursing Ava alot the past few days. (only to follow up with formula afterwards) I missed snuggling with her. She is doing well in the nursing department, and I hope the tongue snip will only help.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Getting bigger? Not really.

I decided to take the twins to the doctor for a weight check. I really didn't feel like they were gaining weight properly and it was starting to make me paranoid and stressed out.

So, as of last Wednesday Ava was still weighing in at 6lbs even (for the 3rd straight week in a row) and Alex had gained 2 oz - which was good, but not good enough.

Time to break out the formula.

This was a really hard transition for me emotionally. I was really beating myself up that I wasn't able to provide for my kids. I struggeled the next day or two over what I was going to do -how I was going to feed them. I thought long and hard about quitting nursing all together. I was so close to throwing the towel in. Then, I thought maybe I'd just continue to nurse the twins a few times a day and give them bottles in between. Although I wasn't enjoying nursing all too much lately... I was sore and felt like something just 'wasn't right'. Finally, we discovered the true problem...

Ava has a short tongue - some might say she's 'tongue-tied'. Her frenulum (that piece of skin under your tongue that connects it to the bottom of your mouth) is basically located at the tip of her tongue and she was having a really hard time latching, thus making her inefficient in her sucking. It wasn't my fault after all. (and there was finally an explanation to the pain and soreness I have been having for weeks now)

I finally made the decision to continue nursing Alex, and to feed Ava with bottles. She will get my pumped milk, and formula when necessary - right now that's alot since she has some catching up to do!

I'm anxious for these kiddos to put some weight on... they've got a gigantic wardrobe to get into!

I'm relieved and so much less stressed now. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad I can continue to nurse, and I really feel like I have more structure and more freedom!

Our next doctor's appt is on Wednesday and we're hoping for a big gain.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

we're still here!

Alex after his first bath Ava after her first bath

hanging out in their Easter baskets:

Our apologies for being MIA! Life has been hectic.
Ava and Alex are doing well. They are still peanuts - weighing 6lbs even and 5lbs 7 oz respectively. Mom is still nursing round the clock, and all is going well.

The babies will be christened on May 20th, so that is our next big event. The following week, we head to Ocean City for 2 weeks of fun in the sun! But first comes Easter - I can't believe it's this week already!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

One week old

Some of you may remember Robert's Book of Mondays. For those who don't, you can go back and read the archives from April 2005 where I posted all about it.
Alex and Ava were born on a Wednesday, so naturally they will each have their own "Book of Wednesdays." I will continue to post those pics here each week, just as I did with Robert. That way you'll all get to 'watch them grow' along with us.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The birth of Ava and Alex ( It's very long!)

Delivery Day- February 28th, 2007
37 weeks

We arrived at the hospital at 2pm on Wednesday, February 28th. Surgery was set for 4pm. I immediately asked if they were ‘backed up’ with a fear that my surgery might be delayed. The nurse said everything was on schedule, but that could change at any time. I was sent to triage, and greeted by a whole team of doctors, nurses and others. I changed into a gown and was hooked up to a monitor to watch the babies’ heart rates. I was contracting every 1-4 minutes. I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since about 8pm the night before, so I was super dehydrated, and I was sure that’s why I was having contractions. The babies were moving all over the place (trying to fight the contractions) so I had to have an ultrasound to determine their positions. Both babies were breech.

My nurse arrived around 3pm. His name was Larry…. He was awesome. He walked me through the whole procedure, and answered any of my questions. He was with me until the end. I also met my anesthesiologist, Dr Hart. He gave me the option of an epidural or a spinal. I had lots of questions, but decided to go with the spinal. Doctor Kriner arrived just before 4, and sat down to talk to us. He made us very comfy. I was so happy to see him! He made sure I didn’t have any questions and then we were off to the OR. Larry said I could ride on a gurney or wheelchair if I wanted. I chose to walk.
I was overwhelmed by the bright lights and ‘sterileness’ of the OR. I took a seat on the table and Dr. Hart began to administer my anesthesia. Within minutes, I was numb from the ribs down. My catheter was administered and suddenly everything was happening very quickly, and I was so anxious and excited.
Bobby was waiting outside the room. I was waiting for him to join us.

Suddenly, Ava’s heartrate took a dive. Dr. Kriner said they had to move fast. I looked at the clock – it was 4:29. He said “We’ll have babies in 3 minutes. Lets go.” I asked for Bobby to come in and by the time he arrived, Alex had already been delivered. Bobby thought he’d have a minute or two to get settled before the surgery started. I looked at him and said, “Bobby, they started already – put the camera on!” He started filming, and got the camera on just in time to see Ava being delivered. (the whole video was about a minute long.) Alex was born at 4:32pm and Ava was born at 4:33pm. Bobby checked on the babies and then brought them over to see me. I started to feel sick, and Dr. Hart put something in my IV to make me feel better. Bobby followed the babies and the nurses to the nursery
Within 15 minutes I was all sewn up and being wheeled to the recovery room. While Dr. Kriner finished up we chatted and joked. I heard over a speaker somewhere that Baby A (Alex) was 5lbs 4oz and 17 .5 in. His apgars were 7/9. Baby B (Ava) was 6lbs 6oz and 19 in long. Her apgars were 8/9.
Dr. Kriner was fascinated by the babies’ placentas. He explained to me that Alex’s placenta was ‘not formed normally - Rather than being shaped like a disc with the umbilical cord coming from the middle, his was shaped more like a tennis racquet with the cord protruding from the side. (It has a name- ‘battle something or other’) He said this was the reason for the babies’ significant size difference. He was shocked that it did not show in an ultrasound and he said the longer they stayed in utero, the more risky it was for Alex – he’d never catch up to his sister’s size. The babies were measuring the same (via ultrasound) until about January… Doctor Kriner said that (30-32 weeks gestation is about the time the growth difference begins to show.

My stay in recovery was long and probably the part I hated worst of the whole day. I had to stay until I was able to wiggle my toes, and lift my knees and butt off the table. I ate some ice chips and watched the clock. I just wanted to see my babies. My parents arrived. They watched Ava and Alex have a bath through the nursery window. Bobby took some pics, and brought them for me to see. Larry was still with me. We went over some paperwork and chatted. He took such good care of me. I was very itchy (a side effect from the morphine in my spinal) I didn’t want to take anything for the itchiness (they said I could have benedryl) but I didn’t want to take anything that would make me sleepy.
It was about 7pm when I was able to leave the recovery room. The nurses had to clean me up (I was very bloody) and pick me up to move me to my bed. I was anxious to eat and drink something, but I ended up throwing up about 4 times – on two different occasions -probably from lack of anything in my system.

I was finally able to nurse the babies by 9pm. The night was filled with excitement. Nurses and doctors were in and out of the room constantly. I didn’t sleep a wink the whole first night. I never could sleep on my back anyway – not to mention how itchy I was, still! The babies slept almost 6 hours straight. Must have been a long day for them!

These babies are as different as night and day. Alex is very mellow and laid back. Ava is feisty and dramatic. Almost everyone that sees her thinks that Ava looks just like Mommy, while Alex resembles Robert in his very young days. When they are together, it is very obvious that they look completely different from each other.

Now, one week later, we are home and adjusting well. I have been nursing about every 2 hours and 3-4 hours at night. After a full week, we have finally figured each other out and established a pretty decent milk supply. The babies sleep great at night, and we have to wake them up for feedings!

Robert is a great big brother. He calls them ‘dadies’ and loves to give them their pacifiers and rub their little heads. He plays well by himself, but we like to encourage him to get to know his siblings. It’s amazing how HUGE he looks now compared to the little guys.
There you have it! Hope you enjoyed it! :)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ava and Alex have arrived...

Well Ava, Alex, Mom and I are all settled in our room now. Ava and Alex arrived around 8PM from the nursery where they were warmed, weighed, measured, bathed, dressed-n-checked. So here is the desired stats and early photo's as promised:

Alex Thomas Trifiletti
Length: 17.5 inches
Weight: 5 Lbs. 4 Oz.
TOB: 4:32 PM

Ava Louise Trifiletti
Length: 19 inches
Weight: 6 Lbs. 6 Oz.
TOB: 4:33 PM

Alex checking things out in the nursery.

Alex sleeping in his crib in our room.

Ava, with a bit of a furrowed brow, doing some
serious sleeping...

Ava and Alex together in Gram and Pape's arms.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Released... almost

Well, its been another long day and night in the hospital. I really think I was feeling well enough to go home yesterday, but the doc wanted me to stay one more night, just in case. Last night I slept for 5 hours straight, but I'm still sleept, and anxious to be in my own bed.

This morning, the doc told me I can go home, but WITHOUT the medication to stop the contractions - which are seldom now - well, at least I'm not really feeling them anyway. My uterus is what they call "irritable." Who knows what will happen once the meds are out of my system. The babies are champs - they don't get stressed out from the irritability and the doc said they look great. I am waiting to be seen for a scan in the perinatal center, and then I can go.
Once I am home, I was instructed to 'lay around, watch tv, and get up to go to the bathroom.' The doc also said 'no intercourse' I laughed. Was he kidding?
So, unless my water breaks or the contractions come back with the intensity of a few days ago, Wednesday will be D-day. At this point, they won't stop labor if i need to come back before that, tho.
All this excitement is just a precursor of the upcoming week!

Friday, February 23, 2007

A night in Labor and Delivery...

At my growth scan yesterday afternoon, everything looked great. Baby A is weighing about 5lbs 6 oz and BabyB is about 6lbs6oz. The ultrasound tech said they can put on about another pound between now and next week. (Keep in mind, these weights are not accurate, but approximate) The tech was also surprised that I was still able to drive myself around (barely) and that I had even made it this far at all! I then went to have my routine NST (non-stress test) and it wasn't long before the monitors showed I was contracting regularly about every minute. The nurse asked if I was feeling them and when I told her yes, she called my doctor immediately. I was escorted to Labor and Delivery and monitored in triage for hours. My cervix was still 'high and thick' but the contractions were happening regulary and they were strong. I was given Procardia to try to stop them and then checked again about an hour and ahalf later. The Procardia didn't work... I was still contracting - I had 21 contrax in 1 hour! But they weren't doing anything to change my cervix. In real labor, my cervix would change.
The doctor wanted to keep me overnight for observations, I was moved to the perinatal center and monitored through the night. The contractions lessened, but were still happening.
By 8am the doctor checked me again and there was really no significant change. He took me off the monitors and encouraged me to eat and do some walking. Now that I am off the monitors I feel great. My belly is contracting but its not painful,
And thats where we are now... I'll be checked again in the afternoon. And I am thinking I'll be sent home with some Procardia.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

36 week belly shot

36 weeks from the side... and from behind. yikes!
Hard to believe that in one week they will be OUT!