Saturday, December 31, 2005

Merry Christmas!
Robert is the best present of all!!!
Look what I got... Robert shares his new toy with his cousin Oliver.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Robert was so excited to tell Santa his Christmas wish list.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 12, 2005

Some cute recent pics... we got our Christmas Tree on Saturday and Robert enjoys watching the deer in our backyard.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday, Novermber 28th... Robert is 35 weeks old. Robert is also eight months old today!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Robert and Oliver having fun in the tub! Posted by Picasa

Happy Turkey Day!  Posted by Picasa

Robert and Oliver are all ready for Turkey dinner! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Robert is 34 weeks old! We are SO excited because Penn State is the champion of the BIG TEN and is #3 in college football. As a future alumnae, Robert was estatic about this accomplishment, and is so proud to be "lil Lion"
This week is also Thanksgiving week. We are so excited that Robert's cousin Oliver will be coming to Gram and Pape's for Turkey Day. It will be so much fun to see the boys interact with eachother! Look for pics this weekend!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Our sincerest apologies... we made so many of you wait to see these pics! We promise never to do that again. Robert is nearly 8 months old! He is pulling himself up on EVERYTHING and starting to cruise around holding on to things. He can even climb the steps to the third or fourth step. Santa my have to bring some push toys for him this year. Robert is also eating more and more table food and loving just about all of it. Oh, and his top teeth have just come through - 3 of them!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Robert's Stats

We went to see Dr. Novak on Monday for Robert's 6 month well-visit... even tho he is 7 months old. We will finally be back on track in early Janary when Robert has his 9 month visit.
Robert recieved 4 shots - one was his first dose of the flu shot. He will have his second dose next month. Anyway, here's the sccop:
Weight: 19 lbs 9 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (80th percentile)
Head Circumfrence: 18 in (50th percentile)
Everything is perfect. Dr. Novak even said his lungs sounded better. (We've still been fighting the respiratory issues)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Halloween! Robert was 31 weeks on Halloween! He was the custest elephant we ever saw (despite the food in his mouth. We had to bribe him to get a smile - it was a long night) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bye Bye San Diego

Our San Diego trip is over. We are heading home tomorrow. I really like this town. We had so much fun at Sea World, The San Diego Zoo and especially just hanging out with Kate. Kate and I have been friends for over 10 years... and we had sooo much fun reminiscing about our high school escapades. Everyone should have a friend like Kate - the kind of friend that you can always 'pick up right where you left off' and have fun no matter what. We also got to meet Kate's new friend Tim. Tim is super-nice, and I am glad he is Kate's friend. Robert agrees.
So, we don't know when we will see Kate again, but rumor has it that Bobby will be out here again next year for this very same conference. I've marked my calendar already - I can't wait! :)

Monday, October 24, 2005

This is Robert with Mommy's friend Kate at Sea World in San Diego. Robert is 30 weeks old today! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Robert is 29 weeks old! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

This isn't the real Monday pic....  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I was all decked out for the Eagles today. Too bad they didn't win. :( Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Robert tests the TV Remote in prep for tonights Penn State game!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

crawling AND a tootth! Oh my!

Last week, Robert began to "army crawl." He mastered dragging himself around the floor to get anywhere he wanted. Its the cutest thing ever. Within days, he was up on his knees, rocking back and forth. Look out world, Robert is gonna crawl! He hasn't quite figured out the coordination yet, but he is trying really hard. I am certain that in the next few weeks, he'll be crawling like a pro. I guess its time we invest in a few gates for the house.

We have a tooth!!! Robert's first tooth popped through on Monday. Its not quite so noticeable to the eye, but he nearly bit my finger off when I went in to check. Call it coincidence, but since the tooth popped, Robert has been sleeping through the night with no problems. Makes sense, tho. That nasty tooth was probably causing much pain and IT is to blame for those 3am wake ups Bobby and I miss so dearly - not.

Our little boy is getting so big, so fast. PLEASE, don't anyone ask me when I will be ready to pop out another one. We want more kids, but just not yet. Besides, I have to get skinny again, first!

27 weeks.... this pic was taken in the basement - the carpet was installed that day so now its finally finished! hooray! Posted by Picasa

Almost crawling!  Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 30, 2005

Basement Progression...

Hello blog readers. Here is a rare post by me. Progress on finishing our basement is leaping forward with agressive pace. Over the past week I have applied 2 coats of primer, 2 coats of our paint (Martha Steward Travintine). My favorite accomplishment is half of the drop-ceiling that is in. Please enjoy the pictures.

Monday, September 26, 2005

"Mom, stop tickling me! hehe" Posted by Picasa

Robert is now half way through his Book of Mondays! He will be SIX MONTHS old on Wednesday, the 28th! Can you believe it? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Robert is terrified of this rooster! Looks pretty friendly to me! "Don't fear the rooster, Robert!" Posted by Picasa

Don't fear the rooster

Recently, Robert has been going through a bit of an apprehensive stage. At the chiropractor the other day, he freaked out and started to cry when a stranger said hello and smiled at him. This is not the Robert we all know and love. For those of you who know him, you know Robert to be the most happy, smiley and social baby there ever was.

On Monday evening, we sat Robert down to watch Baby MacDonald ( an innovative and educational video from the Baby Einstein Company). When he saw a rooster puppet doing a 'cockadoodledoo', he practically jumped out of his skin! He cried and cried... he was terrified! We continued to watch the video and as other puppets came into view, Robert released even more fear and apprehension.

So, we have put the video away for now. We'll bring it back in a few months. For now, we'll stick with Baby Beethoven and Baby Bach.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Working full time.... no more!

After much thought and consideration, Bobby and I have decided that I will be working PART TIME. I am pretty excited about this! I was having alot of anxiety about it, but my boss was very understanding and supportive.
So, starting in October, Robert and I will ony be going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I do, however, eventually see us staying home full time at some point next year. But for now, this will work. I am anxious to be a stay at home mom.

Uncle Andy came to visit... Robert was so excited to see him! Posted by Picasa

Robert is NOT going to New Orleans with the rest of this stuff! Posted by Picasa