Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On Robert

Robert is becoming a big boy right before our eyes. And it makes me so sad. What happened to my little baby?
He has big boy fits and big boy fights. He even pees on the toilet seat... a real man. He has started calling me 'Mom' instead of Mommy. He calls Bobby "Dad." (sniff, sniff, tears) He loves to dig in the dirt and has practically uprooted the tree in our front yard. He wants to be outside all the time. He can eat an entire bag of pretzel rods in 2 days and he'll politely tell you "No eating in the family room." Yesterday he said "Mom? Am I making you bonkers again?" And later he put his arms around my neck and said "you're the best, mom." He kissed my forehead and ran off to play. I only hope he's still telling me I'm the best when he leaves for college.

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