Sunday, April 27, 2008


I never much cared for Velcro. I always thought it was dorky, and would opt for shoes that tied when shopping for kid's shoes.

Now I have 3 kids. Three kids who wear shoes daily. I've already spent hours of my life TYING tiny little laces into tiny little double knots -Too long when you are already running late - as we always are.

I promise you that starting with the next pair, they will all be wearing velcro sneakers - at least until Robert learns to tie his own shoes! I'll just have to search for the least dorkiest pair, I guess.

1 comment:

Leann said...

Michelle, I'm a lurker from Dottie's and I just wanted to tell you that I've bought this shoe three times for my son - it looks like laces, but with the velcro strap!