Last week, Robert began to "army crawl." He mastered dragging himself around the floor to get anywhere he wanted. Its the cutest thing ever. Within days, he was up on his knees, rocking back and forth. Look out world, Robert is gonna crawl! He hasn't quite figured out the coordination yet, but he is trying really hard. I am certain that in the next few weeks, he'll be crawling like a pro. I guess its time we invest in a few gates for the house.
We have a tooth!!! Robert's first tooth popped through on Monday. Its not quite so noticeable to the eye, but he nearly bit my finger off when I went in to check. Call it coincidence, but since the tooth popped, Robert has been sleeping through the night with no problems. Makes sense, tho. That nasty tooth was probably causing much pain and
IT is to blame for those 3am wake ups Bobby and I miss so dearly - not.
Our little boy is getting so big, so fast. PLEASE, don't anyone ask me when I will be ready to pop out another one. We want more kids, but just not yet. Besides, I have to get skinny again, first!