Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wow... where did August go??? Can you believe that Robert is 5 months old already? We have reached so many milestones in the past few weeks.

Robert was christened on August 21st (see picture below). He was such a good boy for most of the day. He acted up a bit during the mass. He didn't like that we were sitting. He would have prefered for us to stand the whole time so he could see what was going on. he looked VERY cute, nonetheless and with his halo in place, he is even cuter!

Robert has mastered all stage one foods, and he likes them all. In about a month we'll start stage 2 foods. He can also drink water from a sippy cup. The flow is faster than the bottle (even with the stopper) so he is still getting used to it.

We visited with doctor Novak yesterday for Robert's 4 month well visit. (we're still a bit behind) Robert got 4 shots! He was very brave and only cried for a few seconds. I was so proud of him.
He is now 16 lbs, 3 oz (55th percentile) and 27 inches long (75th percentile). What a big boy!
Now, Robert can sit all by himself! What a thrill! This is especially exciting for me because in all of my experience working with infants, I have never known a baby so young to sit without support! RObert is also holding his bottle by himself. I know LOTS of babies that are close to a year old and have no interest in holding their own bottles. What can I say? Our Robert is so advanced (its an inside joke in our family that has started to spread beyond to others... but it seems to be true!) :)

Mom has started with Weight Watchers again and has lost 11 pounds since August 2nd! I plan to join the gym in September and I hope to be at my pre pregnancy weight (and pre baby clothing) by Robert's first birthday.

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