Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ferberize, Ferberize, Ferberize

At this time last week, we were at our wits end! Robert would NOT fall asleep unless we stayed in his room with him - right next to the crib, usually patting his back. He was waking up 2-3 times during the night, which means so were we. We were miserable and would fight over whose turn it was to go get Robert at 2, 3 or 4 am.
Those days are GONE! We started to use the Ferber Method last week. Robert was at the prefect age for it. On Wednesday night, we had our usual bedtime routine. Then, I put him in his crib, turned on the music, bid him goodnight, and made my escape. He cried. And cried, and cried. I cried too. After five minutes, I went in quicky to console him, and left again. He cried more. His arms were reaching out to me as he stood in his crib and I left the room. I waited 10 minutes again before going to console him. Then 15, then 20. I think by 30 minutes, Robert had put himself to sleep. AND he slept through the night!!!
Thursday night was easier. Robert took about 15 minutes to fall asleep. Friday night it was 7 minutes, and by Monday, he didn't even cry when I left the room.
He has now learned to put himself to sleep, and even if he wakes up during the night (which has happened twice) He calms himself and goes back to sleep.
We are ALL sleeping better now. I am feeling so rested. And I am so proud of my little boy for being independent and adapting to this new routine.

Another parenting feat... accomplished!

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