Saturday, May 06, 2006

2230 Evening Sun Road

This is lot 23... at Eagle's Landing. The lot where we will be building our future home. We have made a settlement date of August 31st. The front of our house will face the road with the yellow lines (its not really a main road - but a main thoroughfare through the development) And our driveway will actually be on Evening Sun Road, just across from the white truck seen in the second picture.

The top picture is a model home... the same style we are building, except we will have a wrap around porch on the left and a stone front instead of brick. We will post more pictures as the project develops. We hope to break land by next week!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Beautiful!!!! It will be sad to leave your first house and all the memories you've had there w/ Robert but you can fill this new house with more little ones :)