We keep our bathroom door closed and locked. Robert loves to go in and play in the sink, the toilet and most recently the soap. A few days ago, he got in and took the soap pump out and decided to 'clean' his toys in his playroom. He squirted watermelon scented soap on everything... and I mean everything! I was furious. Bobby suggested that I make him eat it. So, I did. I scooped up a whole bunch of it with my finger and put it in his mouth. He made a sour face and then preceeded to say "Mmmm." Are you kidding me? My kid likes the taste of soap! argh!
Today, he was coloring at the island in the kitchen. I guess he got bored of that and decided to add some color to his playroom. We now have purple and blue crayon EVERYWHERE in the playroom. On the rug, the windows, the shelves, the tv... everywhere. It's washable, thank goodness... so I didn't freak out too much. It just sucks that I have to spend his naptime scrubbing it up. blah.
The new phrase in the Trif house: "Robert take your hands out of your pants" He apparently is fascinated with his genitals and constantly has his hands in his diaper. Now, this isn't too big of a deal, we just do lots of handwashing. But at nighttime, he manipulates the diaper so that he wakes up soaked in the morning (which makes mom's favorite part of the day even more delightful - and I am being sarcastic here, folks.)
And lets not forget about the times he likes to show me his poop - conveniently this usually happens when I am nursing the twins. And since I can't react immediately he smears it on the sofa, on himself and on whatever else is closeby.
In the above picture, Robert is holding a tulip that he picked from my cousin's gorgeous flower garden (flowers that weren't for picking) He was filling the tulip with mulch and dumping it on the other flowers. Hmm, he's an artist AND a gardener.
This is my life. As crazy as it is... I love it and I wouldn't want it any other way. I DO have my HANDS full, but I my HEART is full, too. Life is just perfect.
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