Alex is talking up a storm... this week he started with colors - Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Purple. We are working on recognition since he thinks everything is 'Bwoo." He has also added "Thank you", "please", "excuse me", "Touchdown" (with arms up), "football" and "not nice" to his vocabulary.
His fascination with the toilet has returned. He feels it is his duty to flush every time anyone uses the potty. He is very pleased with himself when he does 'his job.' Perhaps this could lead to some easier potty training?
Alex loves the bread drawer and I have (more than once) gone to make lunch and found a slice with a bite taken from it. (Must start using twistie ties)
Ava has been gracing everyone with her kisses and hugs. She is obsessed with shoes and tries on whoever's shoes are left by the door. She can put on her own shoes as well. She puts her dishes in the sink when she is finished eating (and boy does she love to eat!) Ava also loves to draw and color. She is not as vocal as her brother, but she uses sign language more than he does.