Monday, February 23, 2009

Backwards: the new black.

Robert has been doing a great job dressing himself. Sometimes backwards and sometimes inside out, as long as it's on, it's all good. It's all all about independence here.

Last week when I dropped him off at child care at the gym, I removed his coat and noticed his shirt was on backwards. I mentioned it out loud and then looked down to see that his pants were backwards too. Anxious to play, he ran away from me and I shrugged my shoulders at the women who worked there with a 'Whatever."
When I picked him up, his clothes had been turned around. I suddenly felt like "That bad Mom." But only for a second. You see, once you have 3 kids (and 2 at once!), you just don't care about things the way you used to.

On Saturday, I took Robert to a birthday party at ChuckECheese, aka Hell. (deserves a separate blog post) As we were getting acquainted, I took notice of one of Robert's friends standing next to his dad. His corduroys were not only backwards, but unzipped and unbuttoned! I cant be positive, but I think his shoes might have been on the wrong feet, too!

Phew. Glad to know we're normal. Well, maybe not, but at least we've come a long way from this.

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