Thursday, December 03, 2009

Catching up

Been awhile, eh? If you are a 'fan' or at least a regular reader of this blog, I don't blame you for un-fanning yourself due to my lack of updates. The honest truth is that this blog lost one of it's biggest fans already.

My dad passed away suddenly on October 18th. It was a shock to the family. He was diagnosed with cancer on a Thursday and died on a Sunday. Really. That fast. Dad was 62.

It was truly the worst experience of my life and the aftermath is pretty much unbearable. But we are muddling through each day missing my dad but cherishing the memories he gave us. And his death taught me a few things... it taught me that I am much stronger than I imagined I was. It taught me that I don't need to fear death and it reminded me that you never know when your earthly time will end and we need to trust God's plan.

Looking at the big picture, yes, dad's death was traumatic for all of us. But the way he went was peaceful, and couldn't have been better planned. See, he and my mom had just sold their house of 32 years and were ready to move into a 55+ community. They were supposed to move on the day we buried him. He would have hated the new condo. He loved their house and everything about it. But now my mom is moved and dad's belongings have been donated. Leaving that house was almost as traumatic as saying goodbye to my father... so many memories.
And in hindsight, we wonder if Dad knew he was as sick as he was.

I could fill pages with what a wonderful man my dad was. But this poem sums it up:

That man is a Success
Who has lived well
laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained the respect
of intelligent men
and the love of children;

Who has filled his niche
and accomplished his task;

Who leaves the world better
than he found it,
whether by an improved poppy
or a perfect poem
or a rescued soul;

Who never lacked appreciation
of earth's beauty
or failed to express it;

Who looked for the best in others
and gave the best he had.

My next post will be my "story" of the events leading up to my father's death. It really deserves it's own post, and if you care not to read it, that's okay too.

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