Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ava and Alex!

THREE years ago today my life was forever changed. My 'babies' came into this world making me a proud Twin Momma! And now, they are THREE! No longer are they babies. I have molded them into little independent people with tiny, vibrant personalities and big big lives ahead of them. I'm never in a rush to see them grow, but I often have visions of my Ava running a race with me as a teen and calling me daily from her busy grown up life. I imagine Alex will come home from college on the weekends and raid the fridge and make me laugh... much like he already does... just in different ways. I see Ava as student council president and Alex as the class clown. I have so many visions for my babies. They are so different from each other yet they share the bond of twins - Best friends and birthday buddies.
These past 3 years have flown by so quickly. I'm so proud of who they are and who they have become. At three they are everything I hoped they would be and I am one proud mom!

Happy Birthday Ava Lou!
Happy Birthday Alex, too!

Mommy loves you very much!


Soniya Morales said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Ava and Alex!!

ABIGAIL said...

Hope your twins had a great birthday!

My name is Abigail Pogrebin; I'm an identical twin and former 60 Minutes producer who just published a book about twins called "One and the Same." I think any parent of twins or multiples will find much to chew on and maybe some guidance as to how to dodge pitfalls of doubleness. I'd love to speak to you about the possibility of a book review and/or author Q&A. My email is,