We traveled to Boston two weeks ago for Baby Linus' christening. Robert and Oliver had a wonderful time together. They miss eachother terribly when they are apart and they're anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving so they can play again.
We'll be heading to Pittsburg in a few weeks to celebrate with Rob and Germaine for their baby shower. In the meantime, we have Halloween parades and parties to attend. We've still got some costumes to get together - and we're running out of time! We also have to get to the pumpkin patch for a photo shoot- hopefully this week.
Alex is bigger than Ava by about a pound. He is shorter than he, but rounder. He has started to get up on his knees, and can move himself backwards. He has 4 teeth, and is not much a napper. However, he continues to sleep through the night, and we have no complaints there. He is a true momma's boy.
Ava has been crawling for about a month now. She is pulling herself up wherever she can, and her crib mattress has been lowered as low as it goes. I'm betting she'll be walking by christmas. She is very nosy (hmm, wonder where she gets that from) and a true leader. It's already very apparent that she's the boss of her brothers. She has 3 teeth and loves to sleep.
Robert loves school! He goes Tuedays and Fridays from 9-12. His vocabulary is enormous these days, and he is always surprising us with new words. He is very affectionate and empathetic. He is doing great on the potty, but still needs to be reminded to go. He has been taking swimming lessons for the past 6 weeks, and he is doing fantastic. He loves his brother and sister, Alcy and Wava and they enjoy playing together - tho he needs to work on sharing - it's an age thing I guess.
Bobby has been traveling and working like crazy. This weekend is his birthday, so he'll be watching football and relaxing. My work is endless. I'm still waiting on the results of my thyroid test and I need to have my hips evaluated, as I am having awful pain that is not getting better after a month of chiropractic care. I'm positive it's related to my fall down the stairs a few months ago. It's always something.
Hopefully we won't let too much time go by before our next update... sorry for the delay!
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