Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful for good eaters...

We've finally returned from a long weekend at Gram and Pape's house in Horsham. A&A celebrated their first Thanksgiving and boy did they chow down! I'm happy to report that they are great eaters! I mashed up almost everything we ate for our meal and fed it to A&A. Ava will pretty much eat anything - she proved that when we gave her a piece of Asiago cheese on Saturday! She loved it! And then there is Robert, who feasted on Cheez-its this Thanksgiving. He and Oliver were so happy to be together, they pretty much forgot to eat! The entire visit went quickly, but it was so nice to have the family together.
The kids had finally recovered from their illnesses, and now we are all getting sick again (Me and Bobby included!) Blah! I hope that this time it's just a cold.

Enjoy the updated slide show...The pictures are from September and October. I'll update with November pics too - as soon as I upload them!

The next few weeks will be busy, no doubt, but we'll keep you up to date as best as we can!

Hi Aunt Joan! :) We love you!

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