Alex weighed in at 20lbs 2oz and 28 1/4 inches - 25th percentile all around. Still a peanut (a chubby peanut) but growing steadily!
Ava weighed in at 18lbs 12oz and 29 1/2 inches - 75th percentile for height and 40th for weight. She is long and lean, which is just fine with me! Let's hope it stays that way - this girl LOVES to eat!
Everything else checked out just fine. Dr. Novak gave me some medications for Alex's rosy cheeks, which he says is Excema. Poor guy. The prescription is 290.00 - good thing he loaded me up with samples!
We've started the switch to whole milk. Ava has reacted with some constipation, while Alez seems to have the opposite problem, and a terrible diaper rash. These kids are as different as night and day!
Alex is cutting another tooth on the bottom, for a grand total of 7! We have got to get in the habit of brushing them regularly as I have noticed he's got osme wicked breath! (also a side effect of the milk)
Ava has recently gotten two new teeth on the top, as well. She is walking all over the place - it's so strange to see such a little person walking! We'll be taking her to get some shoes this weekend!
The end of the day comes quickly - especially on the days we're out and about. A&A go to bed around 7 on most nights. I am starting to think we should push it later since they have been waking up between 5 and 6 most mornings. as much as I complain, I adore these kids and wouldn't want to miss a second of their day!
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