Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Noise of Toys

Behind the walls of the home of any child rearing family lurk toys... toys that make noise.

Ah, but do your toys make noise when the house is still - when all little children are tucked snug in their beds?

Ours do.

I was awoken at 3am to "Come on Baseball Fans" in my kitchen. I stumbled down the steps and found the toy wedged under the kiddie table and turned it off. As a trudged back up the stairs Elmo called from the playroom "That tickles."
Too tired to think, I let it all go.

The next morning, I realized we have several toys speak when not spoken to.

How does this happen? Bad batteries? (maybe) Spilled milk? (probably) Or could Disney's Toy Story be more real that we ever thought?

Tonight, as I cleaned up the family room, The Fisher Price car said (in her happy, chirpy voice) "Let's go for a ride!"
I was almost ready to respond, but Elmo interrupted (yet again) "Phew, that was fun." Boy he has a lot to say!

Tomorrow he might take a vacation to the basement.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

There is nothing more obnoxious than the gas grill I picked up at a yard sale for the kids. It says "do we have enough gas" and then makes a farting noise! Now I know why it was for sale!!! It talks at night if the spatula and tongs are in the certain positions so I have "misplaced" them.