Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Diaper bag, be gone.

Tonight when I put the trash at the curb, I will also be disposing of an item that has been part of our family for 4 years.

Our diaper bag has worn out it's welcome.

I never had a fancy or trendy diaper bag. I was quite content with the cheap plastic one that I received from the formula company at the hospital when Robert was born. It served it's purpose and worked for us. And when A&A were born, I got two more!

I kept one bag fully stocked in the car mini-van and somehow managed to fill up the other with a bunch of crap. Then, of course, the last was a back-up. A few months ago, a sippy cup of OJ leaked in one of the bag and it smelled so bad we had to toss it. Enter the back up bag.

As the months and years went by, we needed fewer belongings whenever we left the house and now a short trip to the store or the gym requires nothing. How nice.

Thank you Enfamil for my free diaper bags, and Thank you, diaper bags, for your years of service. But don't think for a minute that you'll be missed.

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