Sunday, May 01, 2005

Fed up with the doctor

Robert's weight stayed the same this week. The doctor pulled me into an exam room and told me that I have to stop breast feeding because Robert isn't gaining weight. I broke into tears. I don't want to stop... I don't want to lose this bond I have with my son.

I should have known... this particular doctor suggested formula from the start. For some reason, he is very anti-breastfeeding. Robert is NOT dehydrated and completely thriving in all other areas of development. The "standards" that are established for weight gain are based on formula fed babies - no wonder he isn't following the curve.

I got in touch with the local Le Leche League leader and set up an appt with her for a consultation. She and I have been in touch over the phone for the past few weeks, trying to figure out what could be the cause of Robert's slow weight gain. We ruled out thrush (tho I still think I have it), Robert is not tongue tied, and my milk supply should be pretty much established. We also figured out tha based on his losses early on and his gains since, he really is right where he should be. Still, I am so unsure about so many things and seem to have lost all confidence in myself. I am a very analytical person, and I question most things in my life. Whats worse, is now I wuestion everything in Robert's life! Bobby calls this Hypochondria... I call it concern :)

We will no longer go to Pocono Pediatrics. They are the only place in the area and seem to be what Bobby calls a "Baby Mill." they have so many patients and we don't feel like we are getting the attention we deserve. We are nothing but a name.

We are switching to Children's Choice in Bethlehem. Dr. Novak was our Pediatrician when we were in the hospital, and we like him very much. His office is a bit out of the way (a 45 min drive) but we think it will be worth it for Robert to get the care he deserves and for mom and dad to get the support and piece of mind that they need.

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