Friday, March 21, 2008

Part two (followup from yesterday's post)

Unless you are up for a challenge, I would highly recommend against serving rice to your toddler. I should have learned my lesson after last night's dinner disaster, but tonight they just couldn't hold off for the pizza daddy was bringing home, and I had to give them something... and leftovers it was. I thought I was being smart by putting the rice in a bowl when I served it. wrong! They examined it, and then preceeded to dump it (mostly on the tray) before they attempted to eat it. The result? Cheesy rice.... everywhere. I spent more time cleaning up the high chairs and the floor than they actually spent eating. And even tho I stripped them down to their onesies before removing them from their chairs, I still found little 'rice trails' leading to wherever the little grubs decided to wander. I even managed to come across some of the dried up rice from last night - much easier to clean than the 'fresh stuff.' Gross. Safe to say we won't be having rice again for awhile.

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