Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Five under Four - day 3

Gram came today! She arrived early this morning - the boys were so excited to see her! She brought wooded cars for them to play with and new books to read. Robert went to school this morning, and then it started to snow! It pretty much fell all day until it turned to sleet/freezing rain at about 7pm. Gram decided to stay over - what a treat! I was able to get to the grocery store while she was here. The day was productive and the extra hands were nice. I am so glad my mom was able to help out. The kids loved having her here, too. Of course, 5 o'clock was the witching hour and things got crazy but 7pm arrived quickly and I was relieved.

We were all in bed by 9pm - no naps for the boys today, so they were pooped. I am starting to think that my 3 kids will seem alot easier when these guys go home. I also had a quick thought - actually 2 - one was that I love the sound of happy kids in my house and the other was that maybe I should consider taking in some kids to make some extra cash. Need to discuss that platform later with Bobby. This week has been one of the most fulfilling weeks in my motherhood career. I love to be needed and I feel so accomplished. Just ask Robert, he'll tell you - "Mommy's the Boss!"

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