Monday, February 11, 2008

Life with FIVE under 4 - day 2 (part 2)

Tonight at 5:30pm, all heck broke loose in the Trif house. (This is always a hectic time for us, but when you throw 2 more kids into the mix, it gets worse!) I had just cooked dinner and called the boys over to eat. Oliver complained of a tummy ache and he didn't want to eat. he hasn't pooped since Friday, and I knew he needed to go. He's had tummy/constipation issues in the past so I was on to him. I saw this coming and all day long had been offering him foods that will make him go. I made him sit on the potty - but he was too afriad to go. I've tried every bribe in the book. We are making some progress, but he is scared because he knows it will hurt. Poor kid. Anyway, he was screaming and crying on the potty while I was trying to feed Ava and Alex and Linus had just woken up from a nap. I really wanted to spend time with Oliver on the potty, but the other kids needed me too. The twins and needed baths and bottles. They were so tired and miserable. Linus wanted to eat, and Robert just wanted to put his ziti in his milk and make a mess. (ugh)
By 7:15, Alex and Ava were in bed, Linus was having a bottle and Oliver was resting upstairs. Bobby walked in as I was cleaning up the disaster in the kitchen. I couldn't wait to eat - I was starving.

Now everyone is in bed. Robert and Oliver both napped today, so they are not as exhausted as they have been the past 2 nights. They are watching cartoons and hopefully will be asleep shortly. I fed Linus his cereal and wrapped him up like last night. He has been sleeping for almost 2 hours. Fingers crossed.
Robert has school tomorrow, and he will be going. Based on today, I think some time apart will be good for the boys. Robert has become really possessive and pretty much a brat when it comes to sharing. My mom is coming for the day tomorrow, and she can have some one on one time with Oliver. It will be nice.

I changed 14 poops today. Only three were from Linus - the rest were from my kids. That is a bit more excessive than usual. I don't think I even changed that many in one day back in my daycare days!
Must sleep... it's a new day tomorrow...

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