Monday, July 21, 2008

Single Mom - WHY?

Bobby is going to be in England all week so I am single mommin' it again. And just in time for Robert to start asking "Why?" about everything!

R: Is everybody sleeping?
Me: yes, it is almost night time.
R: Why?
Me: Because the sun went to sleep.
R:Why did the sun go to sleep?
Me: Because it's time for the moon to come up.
R: Why is it time for the moon to come up?
Me: Argh
R: Why you said Argh, Mommy?
Me: Because I am frustrated.
R: Why you are fustated, Mommy?
R: Why you are laughing, Mommy?
Me: Because you keep asking me why, Robert.
R: Why?
Me: no comment - Silence

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